Friday, February 15, 2013

spicy lentil burgers and other ramblings...

I was looking for a way to use up the lentils, walnuts and flax in my, I searched on the Internet and found a recipe for spicy lentil burgers!!

When you look at them, you would think they are a regular beef patty. The texture is similar, but all the more savory!

I sorted of combined two recipes because I liked elements of both:

*what I'm learning is that when a recipe calls for breadcrumbs or flour...I instead like to use ground flax seed! It's a bit healthier and keeps you even more regular! Also, I didn't find this really needed eggs to bind the mixture, as when you blend the lentils they are pretty sticky anyways.

There are always vegan alternatives to things. I thought I would miss eggs and milk or get some crazy cravings in the middle of the night...but, I'm not. It's like my body doesn't even miss those things. I can't explain it!

This is my fourth week into this whole adventure and I feel really proud of myself. When I cook these vegan and raw dishes, I don't feel deprived or that the food is lacking something...I feel whole. Complete. I'll have sometimes 2 or 3 helpings, and not feel guilty afterwards. It's so freeing.

When I read these recipes, work with my hands to create something I know I'm going to enjoy...I feel happy.

I think I may have said this before, but I can't believe how much this food is impacting me. Before I started this journey, food was a source of shame and guilt for me. While I still am working through some of these feelings, I am truly starting to feel like myself again. Food is not my enemy. When I hand pick good ingredients, I feel a sense of pride and like I'm building myself up again. Restoring myself again.

Friday, February 8, 2013

raw chocolate

I spent an afternoon making raw chocolate with a group of friends in Shanghai for Chinese New Year.

The intoxicating smell of cacao butter, almond and agave nectar filled the air in my friend's downtown homey Shanghai apartment as we molded and shaped our various chocolate creations. And it's all raw and organic ingredients!

It's really great to have a network of people who are into raw food. It was an afternoon of celebrating Chinese New Year by having decadent delights and being good to ourselves.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

mighty moroccan!

Moroccan Coconut and Chickpea Soup, from the Gluten Free Goddess! 

This recipe is a keeper! I've been wanting to make this for the past week This is a healing kind of soup. Garnished with mint leaves, this soup has everything you need to feel full, clean and healthy. Lemon, chickpeas  coconut milk and sweet potato...just what the soul needs. Oh, and did I mention Granny Smith apples?

Although this is a crock pot recipe, I dumped everthing into my wok, added extra garlic, cumin and chilies - and that is exactly what this soup needed.

It has a different texture than other soups I've had, and I like it.

I hope you try it too! (recipe in hyperlink above)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lovely little wine bar...

I felt so good tonight...I mean, my friends and I were hoping to go to 'Kush', a posh vegetarian restaurant in Shanghai, but due to seating shortage, we found a cozy little wine bar right next to it. Vino! The owner was so welcoming in this place that could barely fit 15. Little did we know that we could still order food from next door! And vegan/vegetarian options. It was grand.

Along with my glass of their house red from Florence, I enjoyed a spicy seaweed salad and (no word of a lie) a dish entitled 'Awesome Curry'! And it was just that...awesome. Lemongrass, coconut milk and an assortment of veggies like pumpkin, asparagus and peppers. Perfect portions and a divine atmosphere to suit.

I shared my story from the past few months with this friend. I was able to articulate my recent preoccupation with nutritious foods and why I'm doing what I'm doing. Healing myself from the inside out. One spoonful at a time.

Tonight was the first time in months I laughed a little talking about my breakup in October. I couldn't believe what came over me. As I dished myself one more spoonful of lemongrass curry and spoke about 2012, I realized I was truly partaking in a new season. While I am still on the road to recovery, it felt so good to speak out my story with someone who was so willing to listen.

The curry was spicy, the wine comforting and my appetite for life...slowly coming back to me.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Not For a Moment did He forsake me

This is my little niece Sariah Jane. I post this picture here because I feel like in this season I am in, I'm looking up at my  Father and saying, "Wow, God, you really DIDN'T forsake me." Just like He brought His son for us, who died on the cross to rescue us and save us from ourselves.

This song is my anthem.

Sing this song over yourself today.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

the joy of coconut milk

I recently discovered recipes with coconut milk. I am gradually falling in love with this milk of the gods and how you can use it in almost anything...and it's vegan!

I just made this lovely dish the other day...braised coconut spinach with chickpeas and lemon, over squash...

Full of so many nutrients and fibre this dish! Easy and delicious!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

soul starvation vs soul nutrition

Since starting this new lifestyle change and all of a sudden flooding my body with nutritious foods, I've come to a realization....

I think I've been starving myself my whole adult life.

First of all, starving myself of nutrition, thinking eating healthy was too much work and that I wasn't really worth it.

Starving myself of wholeness. Using other things in this world that I thought would satisfy, but realizing that God's love is the only thing that can. When I feed myself, truly feed myself with good things, I feed my soul at the same time, and begin to let go of the things that try to hold onto my so tightly. I honour God's creation - me - through nourishment and good food.

Starving myself of energy. I never thought I had as much energy as the people around me. I always felt like I had to try so hard in everything.

Starving myself of creativity. If you know me well - you know that I am a creative person. I love photography, creating music, playing music. I've realized these past few months, especially with being quite depressed, when I don't feed myself with good things, it influences my mood and makes me not want to do the things that I love the most - which is be creative!

Starving myself of security. Just in the past week, planning out my meals in advance, focusing my shopping, and having a full fridge and cupboards with nothing but good foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, coconut oil - I've felt safe, secure and stable. I don't think I was a really unwise shopper before, but I do think going to the grocery store without a plan was making me feel somewhat out of control.

I'm not looking for a diet anymore, I'm looking for healing. Healing that comes from letting God love me as I am, taking care of myself, and feeding myself as if I'm feeding my soul.